2023 Tired of Turkey

Open to all Triangle Curling members and non-members. Non-members should have at least attended a Learn to Curl or equivalent. There is no instruction as part of this event. 

Event Properties

Event Date 11-25-2023 11:00 am
Event End Date 11-25-2023 5:00 pm
Cut off date 11-22-2023
Capacity 32
Registered 32
Available place 0
Individual Price $45.00
Location Triangle Curling Club

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

Member Login

Contact Us

Triangle Curling

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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 14628
Durham, NC 27709


2310 So Hi Drive
Durham, NC 27703 

Why don't we have a phone number?



Interested in Curling?

Give curling a try! We're always happy to welcome new curlers onto the ice. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!